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COVID-19 protective measures
Requirements for participation:
Please update this page, before you arrive to find out about the current version and measures.
The current ordinance no longer contains any special rules for the use of aircraft, that are not considered mass transport.
The voluntary use of mouth and nose protection or an FFP2 mask can be useful. Results of international studies show, that wearing MNS/FFP2 greatly reduces the risk of infection. People who speak without a face mask spread droplets and, if infected, viruses a meter away. Coughing people can spread droplets up to 3 meters and sneezing people even up to 7 meters.
If you wish, your tandem jumper will wear an MNS or an FFP2 make during the briefing and on the plane. It is not possible to wear a mask during the jump itself.
Please do not hesitate to contact our team with any questions!
+43 650/9020 20 2